LPTFA Projects
LPTFA contributes to projects that enhance the overall experience of living in Lafayette for residents. The LPTFA increases its investments by developing and redeveloping its properties. Our community investments not only benefit the residents who live there, but downtown Lafayette as a whole.
Our Mission is Clear
The mission and purpose of the Lafayette Public Trust Financing Authority is to further and accomplish any public function and purpose of the City including, but not limited to: hospital, medical, health, nursery care, nursing care, clinical, ambulance, laboratory and related services and facilities; housing, mortgage finance and related services, activities, facilities and properties; penitentiary, rehabilitation, incarceration and other correctional services and facilities; educational services and facilities and related housing and dormitory services and facilities; providing, developing, securing and improving water storage, treatment, supply and distribution services and facilities; sanitary and storm sewer and other liquid and solid waste collection, disposal, treatment and drainage services and facilities; educational or commercial communication equipment and facilities; mass transit, commuting and transportation, and parking services, equipment and facilities; cultural and civic facilities, services and activities; community development and redevelopment facilities and activities; gas, electric, petroleum, coal and other energy collection, recovery, generation, storage, transportation and distribution facilities and activities; industrial, manufacturing and other economic development facilities and activities; antipollution and air, water, ground and subsurface pollution abatement and control facilities and activities; airport and water port and related facilities, services and activities; and facilities, property and equipment of any nature for the use or occupancy of the state or the United States, or any agencies or instrumentalities thereof or of any governmental units in the state.

Our Projects

Lofts At The Municipal
Lofts at The Municipal (Old Federal Courthouse)

Lofts At LWG
Lofts at LWG

The Monroe
The Monroe

Acadiana Center for the Arts


Moncus Park Outdoor Classroom
Moncus Park Outdoor Classroom

Victory Garden
Victory Garden

South Louisiana Community College

Downtown Convention Center
Downtown Convention Center

Uptown Lofts
Uptown Lofts

Moncus Park
Moncus Park